Prior season members will receive a reminder email for registration from the Membership Communications Chair well in advance of the season opener. The completed registration form and dues payment must be received one week before members can attend either the annual Tee-off Party or begin league play. Registration may be accomplished on-line (when registration is open, select "Registration" from drop-down under Membership tab) or manually using this Member Registration Form. Registration will open late-September/early October and will remain open throughout the season.
View the Member Info Packet for detailed information about TLGL and Officer and Committee roles.
View the Member Info Packet for detailed information about TLGL and Officer and Committee roles.
Membership Eligibility
To be eligible for membership you must:
1. Be a Trilogy Resident.
2. Be an Arizona Golf Association (AGA) member listing your home course as "Vistancia Women".
3. Have an established handicap.
To establish an AGA membership, go to and follow the prompts to "Join/Renew" membership. The annual cost for an AGA membership in the Vistancia Women club is $45*. The AGA is open for membership applications/renewals beginning October 1st.
The number of scores needed to obtain a new handicap is 54 holes form any combination of 18 and 9-hole rounds.
*The AGA offers a multi-member rebate program for members who belong to more than one club in the state of Arizona. The membership dues for each additional club joined will be $15, after rebate. Please see rebates for more information.
1. Be a Trilogy Resident.
2. Be an Arizona Golf Association (AGA) member listing your home course as "Vistancia Women".
3. Have an established handicap.
To establish an AGA membership, go to and follow the prompts to "Join/Renew" membership. The annual cost for an AGA membership in the Vistancia Women club is $45*. The AGA is open for membership applications/renewals beginning October 1st.
The number of scores needed to obtain a new handicap is 54 holes form any combination of 18 and 9-hole rounds.
*The AGA offers a multi-member rebate program for members who belong to more than one club in the state of Arizona. The membership dues for each additional club joined will be $15, after rebate. Please see rebates for more information.
Annual Dues
Returning member dues are $45. New member dues are $50 (the extra $5 pays for the Hole-in-One fee, see below). The dues cover administrative expenses, supplies, some costs for luncheons, special events, awards at the end of the season and Christmas gratuities for the Pro Shop/outside services personnel. The payment is to be made by check. Dues are not pro-rated for late enrollments.
Dues payments may be made either via check, dropped off in the ProShop or mailed/delivered to the TLGL Treasurer or via Zelle at [email protected].
Dues payments may be made either via check, dropped off in the ProShop or mailed/delivered to the TLGL Treasurer or via Zelle at [email protected].
Arizona Golf Association (AGA) Membership
Membership in TLGL requires an AGA membership regardless of whether the player is a member of another golf association. Members are also required to have an established handicap through the Golf Handicap Information Network (GHIN) to play in all TLGL, CAGD (Central Arizona Golf District) and LASSI tournaments.
AGA dues must be paid every year. 2023 dues are $35 after discounts for renewing online and "early" (between October 1st and December 31st). Join or renew membership online directly at
Our club is listed as “Vistancia Women”.
AGA dues must be paid every year. 2023 dues are $35 after discounts for renewing online and "early" (between October 1st and December 31st). Join or renew membership online directly at
Our club is listed as “Vistancia Women”.
Hole-in-One Club
Each member of the TLGL becomes a member of the Hole-In-One Club with the payment of their dues. If one or more TLGL player has a hole-in-one during league play, the hole-in-one pot will be dispersed in equal splits to these players at the end of the season along with the year end awards and all members will pay $5 along with their next season annual membership to replenish the pot. If there is no hole-in-one during the year, the pot carries over to the following year and there is no buy-in for returning members.