It is the responsibility of each player to be familiar with the rules and Golf Etiquette as it shows respect for the game. It is also the player‛s responsibility to show good sportsmanship if a rules discrepancy occurs. It is best to play a second ball on the hole if you have a rules question during play and clear it up with the Pro Shop or the Rules Chair when you finish golfing.
These spotlighted rules guides are a great way to improve your knowledge of how to play the great game of golf the right way and to become familiar with our course Local Rules.
TLGL Local Rules
Unplayable Ball Relief Options
Drop Zones
Bunker Rules
Two Balls Collide
Accidental Movement of the Ball
Dropping the Ball
Provisional Ball
TLGL Local Rules
Unplayable Ball Relief Options
Drop Zones
Bunker Rules
Two Balls Collide
Accidental Movement of the Ball
Dropping the Ball
Provisional Ball